Teaching English to Younger Children, Spring 2006

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Location: Kalmar, Sweden

I was born in Sheffield in England, but moved to London when I was 12. I've been teaching more or less since I graduated from Teachers' Training College in 1976, though I've taken time-out a couple of times (for example, to be West London Area Manager of one of the biggest office cleaning companies in the UK). I've worked in quite a few countries, such as Angola, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago and Turkey.

Monday, January 16, 2006

What's a 'Team Blog'?

Well … perhaps I should start by telling you what a blog is, just in case you've never come across them before. The term is short for 'web log', which is a way of posting your ideas on the web quickly and easily, and letting other people read them.

This is a 'Team Blog', which means that everyone on the course is also able to make posts of their own, and to comment on other people's posts (with a normal blog, the only person allowed to post is the person whose blog it is).

You can use blogs for lots of purposes - on this course the purpose of the Team Blog is to allow you to post feedback from your Study Group Meetings (and other course events), and to comment on posts from other people on the course (including me, the teacher).

You can create your own blogs and Team Blogs too, now that you're on Blogger (it doesn't cost anything …). My daughter's got a team blog going for her friends in class 8, which they use to share their ideas about books they've read and films they've seen.